One year ago, Battle City nearly met it’s maker.
It was a tragic time, filled with darkness and gloom. Uncertainty. Sadness…
But within that chaos something beautiful emerged. A partnership was forged. A new beginning was written in stone in order to perpetually guarantee the continued existence of Battle City. Looble and Codemallet officially joined forces.
As of last week, that partnership is no more.
Codemallet has decided to leave the Battle City project in order to focus on other game development projects. Good luck!
Looble is your overlord now.
Don’t worry. This time there won’t be any darkness or gloom. No sadness. No chaos.
Looble has been left with full-rights to the game. The plan is to keep on hosting and developing Battle City. To keep things groovy.
To rock your socks.
Sorry for the week of down-time!
Looble would like to apologize for the recent down-time you were forced to endure when the server was shut-down unexpectedly! We were taken by surprise too.
As your new overlord, we pledge never to pull the rug out from under you. If Looble ever decides to give Battle City a TNT experience, there will be plenty of warning.
Having trouble getting online?
We’re still waiting for Codemallet to fulfill it’s end of the partnership agreement and send us the latest version of the games source code as well as our share of profits raised over the last year so that we can invest this money into a new server!
But don’t worry. Battle City is up and running!
It’s a sort of band-aid solution. An old version of the game restored from a dusty hard-drive. It’s not perfect, but it’s what we’ve got for now!
If you’re having trouble getting online to play Battle City, please download the latest version!
The road ahead may have some bumps, but everything is under control. It’s time to suit up!