The fun begun shortly after 4pm EST with six highly skilled contestants showing various tactics from the start. Two orbcities showed up fast and Camo was the one to pay for that. The orbcities (IGGY and Contagious) were next to suffer defeat as they were not very solid left defenderless. The three fully built cities claimed the top 3 positions with Cseow and Finn doubling Zhantrim out of fear of HDO’s second mightiest player.
Even going 2 vs 1 they spent 15 minutes before Zhantrims fortifications around Skopje’s CC was broke down and Finn could sweep in for the kill.
Finn and Cseow battled out for the first place both players attacking leaving own city unprotected. Finn was first to smell a lead when he layed a bomb on Cseow’s greens factory and was 2 seconds from opening CC when Cseow blew Finn’s bombs.
After this Cseow took charge and slowly bathered down the wrecked remains of Finn’s defences.
Gametime 34 minutes
Tnx to all participants and Ender for helping setting it up.
-IGGY- mayoring an orbcity in Jakarta
Zhantrim mayoring a fully built Skopje
ContaGious mayoring an orbcity in Bishkek
Finn mayoring a horrible Harbin
Camo who never even got a real city together in Hanoi
Cseow mayoring his killer Armidale
1: ContaGious takes out Camo
2: Zhantrim orbs Contagious
3: Cseow sneaks up on -IGGY-
4: Finn rolles over Zhantrim
5: Cseow outskilles Finn for the victory