One year ago, a group of individuals were selected to conduct a full investigation of the Battle of Utrecht, hoping to find clues to better prepare us for the Dark Lord’s next attack. Obiwoz was secretly assigned to investigate Meerkat and Commons whom many believed were suspicious, while Genghis was sent with ScubaSteve to analyze any clues left on the scene. A few weeks ago, I received a disturbing Private Message from ScubaSteve which said,
“R eb bb. .o o . gg t .. gn negis . .. rer rbeelrebel is D e aed bbonne “
We quickly went on a search for Scuba, whom we found unconscious on the CC of Armidale. When he awoke, he had no memory of his mission. We are however glad that he is expected to make a full recovery, especially since both Obiwoz and Genghis went missing soon after beginning their investigations… We also know that Meerkat has vanished, and Commons has recently returned on the name Convict…
Here’s a recap of what we know about the Battle of Utrecht:
On January 27th 2006, many lives were lost in the now legendary Battle of Utrecht. On this night, Equiliser and his Dark Minions swarmed the battlefield for reasons which still remain unclear. Many believe the Dark Lord simply planned to execute Cerberus on this night, and thus we emerged victorious when we set the Guardian of the Underworld free… Others like myself believe Cerberus was merely a decoy for something else, something far more terrible… Why keep Cerberus prisoner for so long if the plan was to eliminate him all along…
Back in January Meerkat reported on some disturbing events, telling the tale of young Private Lynk and The Prison of Fire and Darkness . Genghis, CoMmOnS and ScubaSteve (the 3 players who were with Lynk) confirmed that Meerkats report was an accurate account of what had happened. Lynk was never seen again after that night, so nobody knows how Meerkat obtained all of the details he included in his report, some of which were eerily descriptive, almost as if he had been present to witness everything…
After the story was made public, CoMmOns and Meerkat volunteered to help discover further details of the Dark Lords plan. The Dark Lord was offering rewards of power to those who joined him, so both Commons and Meerkat planned to join him as spies. On the night of the battle however, many reported that Commons and Meerkat were defending Utrecht, rather than sabotaging it. Perhaps they did not wish to blow their cover, or maybe they were enjoying the many points they were earning at the hands of their allies…
What does Scuba’s message mean? What is the Dark Lord up to… who can we trust…
Visit the Dark Lord section to read the whole stroy and gather clues!