Cerberus was the watchdog of the underworld, stopping anyone who would try and return to the world of the living. You can find more information on Cerberus at Wikipedia. Today, Cerberus was mistakenly killed by naters, who was under the impression he needed to do so. Only a few people have ever managed to sneak past Cerberus. Equiliser may or may not have found a way to do so, however, the less powerful villains in the underworld such as Deadeyedyk, ReBeL, Curse, Ruif and GreenJelly definitely did not. If the Dark Minion succeeds in opening a gate, those in the underworld will be able to rise to the battlefield.
Since the EventSparrow’s initial warnings of returning evil, many new discoveries have brought us closer to solving the mystery which could help defeat the Dark Minion and save Battlecity from chaotic doom. First and foremost, it appears that our new admin TkIMO has in fact made changes to some of the games code. The South East corner of the map always showed the souls of the players on the battlefield, but now you can also hear them scream the sound of death when they die miles away elsewhere on the battlefield. Apparently, TkIMO spends a lot of time simply sitting in this corner listening to the screams of torment… Although he may simply do this for pleasure, some believe there is more to it.
If you are interested in finding out some of the other clues which have been found, Click Here. Some true crusaders like naters, sin38, Surge, BennyGuapos, s33k3r and zhantrim have already made some progress in solving the mystery. Join them before it is too late! But most importantly, be online September 7th at 10 PM EST. Even if the mystery is solved and we know how to stop the Dark Minion, we will still all have to work together to do it!
Keep reading to view the chat log leading to the death of Cerberus. Also includes many discovered clues!
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We know when the Dark Minion is coming.. September 7th at 10 PM Eastern Standard Time. We know that if the Dark Minion succeeds whatever he/she has planned, then the Dark Lord can return through the center of the 5 gate cross. The below link is a chat log sent to us by the server guardians after the death of Cerberus. I assume, that although they normally remain neutral, they must blame the tragic death of Cerberus on Equiliser and must believe that this will be useful to us.