If anybody has the comments or results for this competition, please submit!
Although the details are missing.. the winner was… TONY9!
Build a city. Hire a team. Orb the enemy.
If anybody has the comments or results for this competition, please submit!
Although the details are missing.. the winner was… TONY9!
Written by chaos952
Well, RBG broke his own winning streak by choice, even though I was sure that he wouldn't stand a chance against -IGGY-. Of course, the winner of this competition is… -IGGY-. Surprisingly, he didn't win by much. Check out the scores below. Also, check out the list of cities you can choose from here. You all submitted great designs, and hopefully you will submit great designs again for the competitions to come!
Comments from the Judges
Winner – Entry #3 – -IGGY-
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 10 8 9 27 zhantrim 8 9 9 26 Dunebug 8 9 8 25 RBG 10 9 9 28 |
Average Total Score: 27
chaos952: I'm sure everybody has seen this city in action, and it is quite a force to be reckoned with. Watch out for attackers from the north, as they'll probably try to run in and take out your plasma turret, turret, and missile factories at once after shooting down all obstacles. If any attacker tunnels all the way east from your DFG research, consider yourself screwed. Other than that, everything else is fine.
zhantrim: This is an excellent design– I know this because the designer ripped off the idea from me and then improved it. It has few weaknesses, with the major one being a combined attack from the east. Less competant mayors will have a very difficult time managing this weakness. I have found that attacks from the east are most effective when only the northern two buildings are blown. This shields three of the turrets from damaging you as you move in for the orb. In my version of this design, the eastern buildings are several spaces out to prevent this–but this leaves them vulnerable to shots across the lava strip.
As an aside, people who say that cordoba cannot be built well simply don't have a good design. If in need of one, steal one of these.
Dunebug: Well obviously you thought this design out
Lowpoints are:
-Your factories are clustered together and have lots of spaces where an attacker could hide without getting shot.
-The NW and NE are going to need constant maintenance or else.
Highpoints are:
-blowing up any given important factory does not guarantee an open CC.
1st choice is NorthWest. It’d be hard to orb without blowing any factories up, but if you can manage to kill the green east of the plasma factory, youre in like flint.
2nd choice is straight south. Kill that southern plasma somehow, run up the middle aisle using medpacks. The sleeper on the sleeper factory is trouble but I have seen people get around those. (without shooting it)
RBG: In my opinion this is the best Cordoba design I‘ve seen. Unlike most other designs, I feel like it utilizes and flows with the terrain instead of fighting against it. You have good entrances on all sides of the city, your essential factories are central and tough for attackers to get to (again, excellent use of the terrain), and the cc has so many turrets around it that an attacker would have to be left alone for a long time to have a good chance of orbing it. Excellent design.
2nd Place – Entry #5 – merloch
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 9 9 8 26 zhantrim 8 8 9 25 Dunebug 8 9 8 25 RBG 9 9 9 27 |
Average Total Score: 26
chaos952: South is a bit flimsy, so expect problems there. You'll have problems defending west, as they'll drop a bunch of DFGs at that corner there while tunneling on you.
zhantrim: Concerned about attacks from the southeast?? haha. Anyway, I don't like the position of the med factory. This is an underrated and very valuable thing, even if you are pressed to turtle. It can be bombed with impunity. From study, I do find that the southeast has a particular weakness- if the house and ss research just south of the cc were to be bombed, both turrets could be shot and the cc could be entered while bypassing the ss over the rocks. I do note the plasma to the very southeast of the city that could likely affect your angles. It may be best to take this out first.
Dunebug: 1st choice South. I think what I would want to do is, blow up the housing under the sleeper research.
2nd choice is SW. the key turret to kill is the plasma west of the orb factory, after that you have tons of options. But the mines are quite a hinderance.
-If you can orb a city with a plasma shooting you point blank, then the NE is a good route to try, I Can’t do that.
Your city also has a bunch of places to hide on the factories, you got 2 mines in between sleeper and plasma factory though, that’s a good idea. But why not dump a sleeper near your green factory, I’d rather guard that then 2 houses on the outskirts of my base.
RBG: First off, your essential defensive factories are well protected (good use of the terrain for that, much like entry #3). You also have good entrances and I liked your positioning of buildings and turrets on the north side. Overall solid design…I wouldn’t want to be the one attacking it.
3rd Place – Entry #4
– Nightwish
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 6 7 21 zhantrim 8 8 9 25 Dunebug 9 9 9 27 RBG 9 8 8 25 |
Average Total Score: 25
chaos952: Not enough entrances. Good luck defending south and east. You'll most definitely get tunneled on from the east, especially with the lack of defense there.
zhantrim: Another sound design. I would attack from the northeast, bombing the bombs with my second bomb. This would leave one plasma in the way between me, a lot of good factories and the orb. This involves two bombs and two turrets. Defenders would come out of the northern entrance, not too far away. Given that this is a very likely source of attack, I would exchange the valuable bomb factory for another one. Not only does it allow your team to put pressure, but bombs are very expensive. As a note to people who often exclaim that I never run out of money– first, destroy your repair, shortly after, destroy the bomb research (just don't forget to rebuild it when your attackers start moving again ).
Another avenue of attack would be from the south, where the plasmas are in a line. Good coverage with ancillary turrets, but eventually, attackers would shoot the first vertical plasma from across the lava and then work their way north. This involves no bombing– just turret shooting.
Dunebug: 1st choice is NE. blow up the TB’s and shoot the walls then bomb the plasma factory. You would take damage from the plasma but it is still possible. If that’s successful you can orb it. If not…
2nd choice is East. Some stuff to blow through but the defense isn’t too terrible, and if you can kill the plasma below the TB factory you have orbed the city.
3rd choice is to have teammates blow up housing and hope an important factory goes unpopulated.
4th choice probably northwest. Not a hard route, just not very plausible w/ defenders.
Someone might be able to run in from the northwest using a ton of medpacks and hide between the rock and the sentry factory while shooting CC walls. I wouldn’t be able to, and its such a minor possibility I’m not marking you down just mentioning it. I’d also recommend moving defense from the southwest perimeter to the east.
RBG: For the most part, this is a solid city. Your one potential problem area is the Westside. If an attacker is left alone, two bombs and two (or three) turrets later they can be sitting on the plasma factory and shooting the wall on the cc. At the very least you should put a mine or two on the plasma factory. Another wall or a sleeper would be even better (the sleeper just north of the hospital would be a possibility). Overall though, this is a quality design, and even with a slight weakness on the Westside it isn’t an easy orb.
4th Place – Entry #2 – yoyo
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 9 6 23 zhantrim 6 6 7 19 Dunebug 10 8 9 27 RBG 9 9 8 26 |
Average Total Score: 24
chaos952: I'm sure that many people will try to attack you from the north even though those three walls there will slow them down. However, south is pretty weak. Good luck getting your commandos back to base when your walkie-talkie factory is gone. Your commandos won't like it when your missile factory gets destroyed several times as well. Lack of entrances as well.
zhantrim: A tunneling attack from the northwest would be difficult to defend. I appreciate the use of walls and buildings as slowing measures, but if more than one attacker came from this direction I think there could be trouble–mainly because one person could shoot the walls from across the lava while the other one made his way through (shooting as well). The plasma along that line is well placed by the way–but unfortunately I don't think many would contine southward. Attackers would probably prefer to head along the tunnel just north of the cc to get your ss factory, and then your greens and walls. These attacks would be very difficult to defend, as the defenders would essentially have to backtrack all the way along the attacker's route to affect him. This is a major problem, especially because with all the narrow corridors, defenders could easily be dfg'ed.
Other issues: I would move your med factory one space to the right to prevent its destruction with a second bomb from the south. Additionally, it would protect that plasma from a southern attack. Many of the turret angles in this design are not optimal, especially from the southwestern approach which is fairly easy to navigate. One of these days I should make a mayor building guide focusing on turret angles. As a final note, I think your zooks and bombs are too vulnerable.
Dunebug: My first choice to attack is the Northwest. 2 buildings to bomb is no fun, but you could drop a bomb.. shoot the sleeper, and bomb again before a Defender came around. 2 walls to shoot through, but then you can bomb the sleeper factory and that bomb will be tough to shoot. If you bomb that you could try bombing the green factory or maybe orb it but I never had much luck with plasmas on the center CC square.
I would not attack the Southwest, too much defense and not enough gain.
I wouldn’t attack the NE or East unless I had 2 teammates helping me. It’s too easily defended but much to gain there.
The southwest would be a crab bucket, but that would be my 2nd choice, because obviously if you get the plasma factory the city is el orbido.
RBG: Another good design. It was interesting that you used no walls on the cc; this is one of the few cases where I think it works without weakening the city. There are no major problems with the design. Your southwest entrance isn’t my favorite, but you have to shoot though so many turrets to get to essential factories that it’s not a big deal. Good job.
5th Place – Entry #1 – Surge
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 7 7 8 22 zhantrim 9 7 9 25 Dunebug 7 8 7 22 RBG 7 7 7 21 |
Average Total Score: 23
chaos952: You'll have problems from the northern entrance, as the turrets inside there can be shot down easily. Also, the south and southwest sections seem a bit flimsy. I'd suggest putting the double layer down southwest instead of north.
zhantrim: This is an excellent and well thought out design. It is both innovative and efffective. Entrances are well built fro the most part and turret placement is sound. Good use of walls. One thought I had for enhancement would be to move the green that is left of the cc one space to the left. This makes a northern approach more difficult as the angle is goofy for the attacker. Secondly, I've found that having the plasma on the cc one space down is more effective and prevents a down/up manuever from the north for the orb.
I'd say that the biggest weakness of this design is south east, where the walls can be blown without bombing a building or shooting a turret, as can the ss factory. I would shoot the dfg and drive on top of those rocks, bomb the walls, maneuver away and back again on the fifth second, then bomb the ss factory. Once the ss factory was destroyed, my second attack run would be from the northeast, where you could basically drive right up to the green turret res and threaten the orb.
Dunebug: -I’m fairly certain I could orb you from the northwest by hiding behind the wall from the northern turret while shooting the sleeper. Then moving into the city and shooting the green SW of the CC.
-The other obvious fault is that your wall and sleeper factories are pretty vulnerable. It’d be too hard for a defender to shoot bombs in that alley, but on the bright side bombing those doesn’t open up the city.
-Entrances gets a low grade because they just aren’t that safe. Need more turrets or mines maybe? Except SW. SW seems good.
RBG: Not the worst design, but not the best either. You used so many buildings (and turrets) defending the cc from the north and east that a lot of your factories are not as well protected as they could be (the wall and sleeper factories are inviting targets). It’s as good as any design I’ve come up with for Doba (I hate building there)…it’s just not as good as some of the other entries.
Last Place – Entry #6 – penguinizi
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 6 5 7 18 zhantrim 6 6 6 18 Dunebug 6 8 6 20 RBG 6 7 6 19 |
Average Total Score: 19
chaos952: Huge southwestern weakness. You had better guard your turret factory with your life.
zhantrim: This city is extremely weak from the southwest as it is nearly impossible to defend. Southeast is pretty easy as well, but easier to access and thus easier to turret-replace. Why is this weaker than design three? Mainly access I would say. And it is a major difference. It is extremely important for the team to be able to replace turrets in this kind of design (where the cc is guarded by buildings abutting it). It is very difficult for the home team to do this in this city and this necessitates me giving it a lower score. That being said, I appreciate the creativity.
Dunebug: I would like to give you all 30’s since you built a Nordoba. But I think Chaos might toss out my scores and I worked hard on them.
The main problem with the city is that it’s going to be a crab bucket to defend the SW and SE since there are so few turrets, not many turret factories (quicker replacement of turrets), and no medpacks. Defenders can’t get to the southwest without taking a long jog. You could’ve been a lot more creative with your factory placement. As it is an attacker should bomb the east wall, shoot the plasma turret, and bomb the plasma and green factories from the corner.
I don’t have too much suggestions here. learn to shield your factories with your other factories so that they have to bomb through the shitty ones to get to the good ones. Buildings is 6 because the factory placement is hard to defend and poorly thought out.
RBG: Two big problems with this city. First, the lack of southern entrances make your city tough to defend. Once the turrets on the southwest corner are taken out, it will take while to go get new ones and replace them. Attackers could easily be though both layers of buildings and be shooting the turrets in front of the cc by the time you got back. Your second big problem is the accessibility of the plasmas and greens (especially the greens). With only one layer of houses/researches and a single plasma guarding them (and maybe a sleeper in the case of the plasmas), those factories will be easy game for a good attacker. If those factories go, your city is toast.
Written by chaos952
Sorry about the delay, because there were mistakes that I made that were pointed out by Cokesplash and zhantrim. The walkie talkie factory in Entry #3 was unlabeled, and the DFG research was unlabeled in Entry #5 (which I just noticed ). Zhantrim refused to grade Entry #3 because of the unlabeled factory, so I was forced to toss out his scores. However, his comments will still be listed so his hard work wouldn't go to waste.
If you would like to know the scores zhantrim gave you and how much they would've affected your score, make a request here.
And now for the results!
…5 in a row! It seems that nobody can stop him! By the way, all the scores were very close; they were all in a 6-point range, so don't fret if you received a supposedly bad rank.
RBG will get to choose the city for the next competition yet again. Check out the list of cities that you can choose from here. You all submitted great designs, and hopefully you will submit great designs again for the competitions to come!
Comments from the Judges
Winner – Entry #7 – RBG
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 8 8 24 Cokesplash 9 9 9 27 Stubbs 8 7 8 23 |
Average Total Score: 25
chaos952: West is weak, due to placing too much on the eastern side of your city (in my opinion, of course). Also, the turrets at the southwestern entrance aren't at ideal locations. The turret by the wall research and the sleeper by the laser research can be shot down without taking damage, which makes your turret factory easy to bomb. Another thing I'd suggest doing is moving either the laser or missile factory elsewhere because currently how you have them setup, they can both be taken out with one bomb.
Cokesplash: I like this city. All around fairly solid. No obvious weakness that jumps off the page. The west isn't the best but there is not much at risk even if an attacker manages to break in to the first factory… South east isn't the best, but again, not much of a threat there. I wouldn't be surprised if tony started to build this one instead bahaha
Stubbs: No comment.
zhantrim: This is a solid design with good angles good defense and good entrances. One of my favorites.
2nd Place – Entry #9 – penguinizi
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 7 9 24 Cokesplash 8 8 8 24 Stubbs 8 8 8 24 |
Average Total Score: 24
chaos952: You'll get raped from the northern entrance so fast that you won't even know what hit you. I think there's waaaay too many open spaces in your city.
Cokesplash: The south east and north walls seem somewhat vulnerable here, and the north east entrance is also a bit underguarded. But overall I think this is a nice design.
Stubbs: No comment.
zhantrim: It is difficult to guard the south in this design. I think i would attack through the northeast entrance, shoot the plasma, drop bombs on the plasma research and then hide by the ss factory and drop some more. After the plasma res blew, orbing would be easy. From a different approach (southeast) greens are also relatively easy to destroy if you have a few dfgs for defenders. I think overall this design needs some work.
3rd Place – Entry #8 – nightwish
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 6 9 23 Cokesplash 9 7 8 24 Stubbs 7 7 7 21 |
Average Total Score: 23
chaos952: You will have major problems at the northern entrance due to having virtually no defense there. You'll also have tunneling problems. The biggest ones I see are from the west by the laser factory, and from the southwest, by bombing the plasma research, bomb research, and the house above the bomb research.
Cokesplash: I also like this city. THe north east entrance is pretty weak however, and the east is also a bit weak. But otherwise it seems pretty solid. Not much else to say about that.
Stubbs: No comment.
zhantrim: Southeast is VERY dangerous. Two turrets and zero bombs give direct access to cc, greens and ss. The zooks and walls are unguarded by turrets. This is a problem =).
Tied for 4th Place – Entry #2 – merloch
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 7 7 9 23 Cokesplash 7 7 7 21 Stubbs 8 8 6 22 |
Average Total Score: 22
chaos952: Southwest and northwest are weak. Also expect your hospital to get abused. Also, youll have to watch out for attackers attacking from the east, as your mine, laser, and turret factories can be taken out with one bomb. I'd suggest that you move the "isolated" buildings west of your city closer in.
Cokesplash: I don't think that the buildings that are far away from the city protecting turrets are really worth while. An attacker can either bomb them or come from a different direction slightly to get the turret anyway. The inner city defence is not bad. The north east is a bit lacking and seems like it could be fairly easily infiltrated. The south east is a bit better but again, one green and one sleeper protecting that whole side and the attacker is bound to get one important factory. I like the north and the south, but the south west is open, and I think that makes it way too easy to use the buildings there for cover while shooting the lone green.
Stubbs: No comment.
zhantrim: Interesting and innovative. I love the wall uses, especially the one guarding the ss by the cc. Shows great foresight. Points for creativity too! People will prefer a southern attack.
Tied for 4th Place – Entry #5 – Surge
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 7 8 23 Cokesplash 8 8 8 24 Stubbs 7 6 7 20 |
Average Total Score: 22
chaos952: You're most likely to get tunneled on from the east. Oh, and you'll most definitely have to watch out for attackers from the southwest. Once your mine and plasma turret factories are gone, your sleeper and turret factories will be next to go.
Cokesplash: I like the north, north east, east, and south east and south on this city. Well defended, and it would take some time to get in allowing the defenders to rebuild broken defences. The whole west side seems a bit weak to me. The south/north west are worse then the west though. So I think you'd be okay as long as someone on defense tended to the attackers there.
Stubbs: No comment.
zhantrim: I like a lot of the turret placements. I do not like the lack of accessibility to the east. It will take forever to defend that side and many will tunnel to the cc.
Tied for 6th Place – Entry #1 – -IGGY-
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 7 8 9 24 Cokesplash 7 6 6 19 Stubbs 7 7 7 21 |
Average Total Score: 21
chaos952: West side is flimsy, and that is because I think you placed too many buildings on the east side of your city. All three of your turret factories can be taken out with one bomb, and that's never good. Mines, walls, and missiles are fairly easy to reach as well. Also, you might want to swap the bomb factory with either the DFG or medkit factory so you wont get crippled offensively.
Cokesplash: The west of this one is pretty open. Only a few turrets defending one layer of defence, and lots of openings. This can be problematic if a defender does not attend to an attacker on this side immediately. The north also only has one plasma, which would make me consider that a good spot to attack. The south and the East are pretty solid however. I think the turret placement on the inside of the city needs to be reconsidered. Protect the sleeper factory better because someone attacking west could blow it and all the defence from there on in would disappear. Not too bad all around though.
Stubbs: No comment.
zhantrim: This is a decent design. The factory aligments make me nervous, especially against attacks from the southwest. I would prefer a more broken interior. Good turret placements.
Tied for 6th Place – Entry #3 – Dunebug
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 7 9 24 Cokesplash 7 6 7 20 Stubbs 6 7 6 19 |
Average Total Score: 21
chaos952: West is weak; only two turrets and three bombs away from blowing your sleeper, mine, plasma turret, and missile factories. I also suggest protecting your vital research buildings, so you'll have something to defend/attack with. You might also have a problem with friendly fire when trying to deal with attackers down south. Everything else is fine though.
Cokesplash: The south east of this city is very open to attack and easy for someone to "suicide" in and bomb the CC open with one bomb. I think you forgot to label the walkie fac there too Anyway the NE is easy to open without getting hit by a turret or even having to shoot one for that matter until you get inside. I like the North, and the South West is not bad. A bit weak still though. The North East entrance would be a simple matter of blowing that housing, shooting the sleeper and the plasma and then you are one building away from the CC. I think it needs a bit more refinement.
Stubbs: No comment.
Tied for 6th Place – Entry #6 – yoyo
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 9 8 9 26 Cokesplash 8 7 7 22 Stubbs 5 6 5 16 |
Average Total Score: 21
chaos952: Southwest is weak; your turret and sleeper factories are way too easy to reach. Also, the two turrets east of your city are redundant, even though I could tell that you did that to avoid being tunneled on. That's about it though.
Cokesplash: All the defence is concentrated on making the east so strong, that the west side is left a bit unguarded. I do like the north west side though, as there are three layers of unessential buildings to bomb through before getting inside. The south west isn't too bad either but the wall fac is not too well defended and since the CC is not blocked on all sides it could cause some problems. The south isn't too bad but it is still a bit of a weakness. I think a bit of breathing room around the CC and surrounding factories would be helpful.
Stubbs: No comment.
zhantrim: This has some very innovative ideas. I'm a bit suprised at your cavalier attitude towards the ss, meds and walls to the south. Without meds, it will be very difficult for your attackers to be effective. SS are clutch, but you have not made yourself very dependent on them, which is good. Walls are really a wash in some respects, especially considering that the cc is not surrounded, but replacing those walls north of the plasma will be somewhat annoying if the fact gets blown. This is a very defensive minded city, as the attackers will never be able to leave b/c they will constantly lose their meds. Otherwise great entrances with good angles. Given time however, someone could orb you without blowing a building if they entered from the east. I think this might be yoyo's.
Last Place – Entry #4 – sin38
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 7 8 23 Cokesplash 7 6 7 20 Stubbs 6 7 5 18 |
Average Total Score: 20
chaos952: Huge south weakness. The ironic thing is that you would need to bomb only two buildings from there: the DFG research, and the hospital. The eastern entrance is really open; might want to close it some. The sleeper by the medkit factory can be easily shot down in order to bomb your plasma factory, so that can give you trouble. Also beware of attackers attacking from the southwest.
Cokesplash: The east is pretty well defended. Someone could walk in from the North East and bomb the rocket factory with no trouble though, and get the greens and open the CC with the proper placement. The North is pretty solid I think and does not have much advantage to attack there. The North West is way too weak. Not much protecting the CC there. THe west and the south west arent much better, but are an improvement over most cities. And is that just me or is the only thing protecting the CC from the south a hospital?
Stubbs: No comment.
zhantrim: This design has many weaknesses, especially from the south. I would try to shore up the turrets down there and maybe add an additional layer of buildings.
Written by chaos952
RBG will get to choose the city for the next city… again. That's 4 wins straight. Come on RBG, go easy on them! Choose Huambo so that everybody else has a chance of winning! Check out the list of cities that you can choose from here. You all submitted great designs, and hopefully you will submit great designs again for the competitions to come!
If RBG does choose Huambo (which I highly doubt he will), I'd better not see Chris' Huambo, as almost everybody builds Chris' Huambo.
Comments from the Judges
Winner – Entry #1 – RBG
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 7 8 9 24 Dunebug 10 9 10 29 Stubbs 8 8 7 23 zhantrim 9 9 9 27 |
Average Total Score: 26
chaos952: The southeastern and southern entrances are very inviting to attackers, even though you have 3 turrets at both of those entrances. Attackers will definitely be persistent on attacking those two areas. Once your plasma factory is gone, you're pretty much doomed.
Dunebug: This is a quality design. Only suggestions I have are: move the orb research to where the hosp is, put the hosp below it. There’s really no weak spot. Maybe move your cougar and lazer factories apart but not a big deal either. If I had to attack it I’d attack from the west or south. Both have a bunch of shit to blow through before you can do anything so … Kudos for having such a good design. The one point you missed is ‘cuz that plasma one square east of the plasma factory is the only thing covering that area, which if bombed will undoubtedly get you orbed. Also I’m a douchebag. So I wouldn’t give out a 30 and maybe I was just looking for something to pick at
zhantrim: This is a very nice and well thought out design. You have good entrances for the most part, solid house/res barriers and some nice interior decorating. The line of vertical factories to the east is a very good thought, as it makes it difficult to effectively bomb multiples of them. They do offer hidey holes, though if I'm defending, I would hope someone would trap themselves in there so I could drop mines or a turret on the outlet. South seems to need one additional turret, though I do notice that you have four layers there. Take note of the northeastern entrance and its guardian turret. Remember that it can be shot from across the lava. With my designs of this city, I had buildings block that line. Then again, there is nothing worth bombing up there. One kind of minor thing that I liked a lot was the placement of the orb res (though I would have used a turret res instead). I think many people would have used a factory there and I think that this is better. It almost breaks the city in half without limiting defender mobility and it makes a northern approach that much more difficult. The weakest entrance is northwest. I would spend some time setting up entrances and having your friends practice on them. The entrances with a turret two spaces away are easy to penetrate for a skilled attacker. Kudos for a job well done.
2nd Place – Entry #4 – yoyo
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 7 8 9 25 Dunebug 8 8 10 26 Stubbs 8 8 6 22 zhantrim 7 7 8 22 |
Average Total Score: 24
chaos952: Orbed from the west. Your bomb factory is easy to reach, and once that's gone, your offensive abilities will be crippled until you get the bomb factory back up. Not much else I can say.
Dunebug: At first glance, blow up the green research and kill that plasma… could either try to bomb or try to kill the plasma that’s farther east. Or maybe try to stand far back and kill the sleeper by the lazer factory, which would give you a load of options.
SE Entrance has 3 layers of scented carrots in front of it and nothing good to bomb.
South would be worth it though. What you do is, set a bomb on the house then start shooting the plasma, backup before bomb explodes and kill the green then start shooting the plasma again.
From there you can either kill the green across the lava or bomb the walkie factory, maybe both. Bomb the sleeper factory and you’re golden goose! If you’re stupid you’ll bomb the sleeper factory and the hospital, which will allow the plasma to shoot you and also disallow you to heal.
Make sure that housing in the northeast doesn’t power anything in the northeast.
zhantrim: This is another design with some very nice features but a few weaknesses. In terms of flaws, I think that the southwestern entrance is too flimsy and the southern entrance is only average. Many attackers would bomb the med research to gain access to the two plasmas as opposed to dealing with the difficult angles. Once this is gone, they can shoot them quite easily enough. Another exploit from this approach is that bombs laid to open the cc will actually destroy the wall as well–a huge problem. In fact, with this setup, I wouldn't have even put that wall there (actually, I would never have this setup, I'm just saying hypothetically). In terms of good things, you have some excellent turret angles. I really like the northeastern entrance. I commented earlier about blocking shots across the lava and you've done that nicely here. I think that turret would be a bear to shoot without laying some demolition first. Some mayors eventually notice that the shooter's angle becomes more difficult depending on the location he is facing. For some reason, BC tanks do not originate their shots from their centers. They instead fire slightly offset to the north. This makes some entrances impossible to enter without bombing something first. In general, I like this design, but the glaring southwestern weakness to the cc forces me to give it a lower score than I would like. Excellent effort.
Tied for 3rd Place – Entry #3 – merloch
Code: |
Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 7 8 4 19 Dunebug 8 8 8 24 Stubbs 7 6 7 20 zhantrim 8 8 9 25 |
Average Total Score: 22
chaos952: Orbed from the south. Why do I say that? Because you have no entrances over there to deal with attackers attacking there. You might as well let them bomb both of your houses to save you the time of driving all the way over there. Also, you should never put all three of your turret factories around your CC. Why? Because once walls are gone, you will have to demolish one of your turret factories to set your commandos free.
Dunebug: At first glance south or southeast is the way to go. Gotta blow through some buildings but at least they are houses. Two turrets will slow a guy down but won’t stop ‘em and a defender will take forever to get down there.
Southwest looks pretty solid, there’s a lot of shit to kill before you can really bomb.
I guess if I have any suggestions it’s move your turrets on the south and southeast closer to your factories. That’ll help a lot. Oh you also have all turret factories around the CC, so if your wall factory gets blown up you’re going to have to doze something important.
zhantrim: This design is certainly promising, but south makes me very nervous, especially directly south. Two plasmas and two houses are the only things guarding your cc, in addition to arguably the two most important factories in your arsenal. I definitely would have more turrets there. Additionally, if built poorly, those houses might actually be fueling the turret factories allowing them to be shot, but I will assume this is not the case. Many people would attack this city from that position. Southeast is similar but a little better. I generally discourage large areas of open space as they afford the attacker too much room to maneuver around turret fire. A happy medium is best, for tiny spaces (read: Method) give too many hidey holes for bombers with dfg. This is a good design, but not as good as #1 in my opinion.
Tied for 3rd Place – Entry #6 – Surge
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 7 7 10 24 Dunebug 8 7 8 23 Stubbs 8 6 7 21 zhantrim 6 5 9 20 |
Average Total Score: 22
chaos952: Orbed from the northwest. Shoot the the turret guarding that entrance, shoot the plasma inside, shoot the sleeper further down, bomb the plasma turret and missile factories (and the left wall on the CC). Also, the mine, turret, and wall factories are within easy reach from the southeast.
Dunebug: Comments: It’s bad to be the last city because I’m tired of grading now. This city design’s not bad in my opinion.
We’ll start at the southwest, which is weak. It’s Hard for it not to be given the proximity of that entrance to the CC. But still I can bomb your zook fact without actually having to kill a turret. If I wanted to kill some turrets, that plasma is the only thing guarding your CC so it’s a great place to start. Now if that’s gone then the CC is completely uncovered.
Southeast is poor. If you don’t believe me that’s fine, But it is. 2 turrets and a building and from that I can get walls and greens without much trouble. The silver lining is that all the turrets around your CC are plasmas and blowing up those 2 facts won’t guarantee an orb.
Speaking of plasmas your plasma factory is pretty secure but you’re going to have to do a lot of walking to get to it. Just move the sleeper a square or two away so you can get in there. It’s stupid where it is you can just bomb below the rock and kill the plasma factory. Of course why would you do that when you could just get the zooks instead and then orb it.
zhantrim: This design is very weak from a tunneling approach to the west. Even worse, given Harbin's location on the map, many people will be coming from this angle. I would bomb the plasma res and the house to its west, drive on top of the zook factory, and then lay about 10 bombs next to the cc, taking out the wall in the process. This orb would be practically unsatisfying. Pay more attention to turret angles. The plasma to the right of the laser factory has an excellent shot to the northeast entrance, but the plasma to the west of the plasma factory is not doing much to protect the northwestern entrance. Finally, the southeastern entrance is frankly terrible, allowing ready access to the walls, mines and greens with minimal defense.
5th Place – Entry #2 – Scile
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 7 8 23 Dunebug 7 8 9 24 Stubbs 6 7 5 18 zhantrim 4 4 8 16 |
Average Total Score: 20
chaos952: Expect to get hammered from the south and directly west of the CC. Your turret factory is easy to reach; just bomb the wall research and shoot the plasma guarding that entrance. The bomb, orb, missile, and mine factories are easy to reach as well. In league games, that will really hurt.
Dunebug: I really don’t like when the buildings are adjacent to the CC. It leaves it open for a “mole attack”. Which you probably know and it IS 3 layers of buildings to blow through so it’s not a terrible weakness. It’s just the first thing I see when I look at the city. Mole spots are weak just because you have to walk so far to get to the spot so you can defend it. The rest of the city has many plausible attack points, it’s not that your buildings are poorly placed it’s just that nothing’s really ironclad. There are too many turrets that will be too far away to kill a good orber. For example:
SW: Yes you’ll have to blow through 2 layers but you wont have to kill that green. If you kill that plasma you’re good to go.
S: Not bad, obviously going to have to kill a building so you can shoot the green. Provided the orber doesn’t run over mines or dfg’s on his way in, that plasma isn’t terribly hard to shoot from behind the dfg factory, and after it’s dead you can bomb.
N: kill a green, bomb a house, kill a plasma… Bomb the green factory. If you’re creative you could try to bomb the green research in the same run, which if both blew up would open the city. That’d be very swift.
zhantrim: This design has some easily exploitable weaknesses. Northeast comes immediately to mind, as it is both difficult to defend and easy to attack. An opponent can quickly take out your valuable bomb factory and possibly your zooks without too much trouble. Secondly, your southeastern entrance is lacking. Many attackers will tunnel northward from the house, choosing to ignore all the turrets to the west. They can shoot your plasma guarding the turret factory while being shielded by the western buildings and then quickly punch a hole to the cc, taking out plasmas in the process. Usually, when a city has a weak entrance it is because another entrance has too many turrets. Unfortunately for this design, there are multiple weak points, making me wonder where all the turrets went. The southern entrance is much too flimsy considering it has access to both ss, greens and plasmas. There are only a handful of turrets in the way, and the walky fact actually aids the attacker by shielding him from turrets as he bombs it. Once the ss in front of your ss/plasma facts is killed, an attacker can sit on the junction of those two factories and lay hit whole load of bombs without being hit by either of the plasmas. This is a major problem.
Last Place – Entry #5 – nightwish
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 2 2 7 11 Dunebug 3 5 5 13 Stubbs 3 7 5 15 zhantrim 2 2 9 13 |
Average Total Score: 13
chaos952: …
Dunebug: Oh yeah this one. Well I hate to break it to you, but even if the map was like that your city would still suck. For one, can you imagine how long it’s going to take you to get replacement turrets if 2 factories are over there? That’s going to be what’ll kill you if not the fact that you really haven’t guarded them that well. You could end up bombing those factories by shooting 2 turrets, a wall, and blowing up 2 layers of buildings. For all 3 factories that is Oh so worth it.
If not by doing that, you could come in from the south and shoot the sleepers from across the lava then run in to bomb them.
Southwest is also pretty easy because the firing angles are perfect, for orbers.
Stubbs: I dont know if they thought you cant get to those facts on the East, or what, but you can… which makes this design horrible. granted at first they probably wont attack there, but eventually they would, and your screwed if they get those 3 facts.
zhantrim: I feel sorry for this design. They had a good thought of trying to manipulate the eastern terrain, but lo and behold, it was not to be. As it stands, with several of its major defensive factories in such a vulnerable position, I am forced to give this a terrible score.
Written by chaos952
You must stop him!
RBG will get to choose the next city for the next competition… again. He's won 3 in a row, surpassing Weebo's streak of 2 wins. Check out the list of cities that you can choose from here. You all submitted great designs, and hopefully you will submit great designs again for the competitions to come!
Comments from the Judges
Winner – Entry #4 – RBG
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 8 9 25 Dunebug 8 9 8 25 Stubbs 8 9 8 25 |
Average Total Score: 25
chaos952: Your turret and mine factories are easy to reach. The plasma by the southeastern entrance and the turret on the hospital can be shot down without taking damage, so I'd suggest moving the turret right one square and the plasma turret up one square.
Dunebug: No comment.
Stubbs: I like it, wasnt sure at first, but seems like it would stay up pretty well.
2nd Place – Entry #3 – Surge
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 10 9 9 28 Dunebug 9 7 8 24 Stubbs 7 7 6 20 |
Average Total Score: 24
chaos952: All around solid design. I'd suggest moving the regular turret just east of the CC to the other side of those walls, as that turret is pretty much redundant to the plasma turret there, and you're lacking defense east. Also, move both the sleepers that are almost surrounded by rocks to the left one square, as enemies can easily walk in and shoot those sleepers without taking damage.
Dunebug: I don’t have much to say about this city, there aren’t many crippling weaknesses but there are some small ones. IF you feel like doing a redesign just make sure you have turrets covering more of the open space in your city. The whole city can be targeted. From the south or the east you can get to the CC but you have to blow through the outer wall. From the west there are all the turret factories but you have to blow through a lot of turrets.
Stubbs: Too hard to get to mines except from SW corner ofcourse. I can see you loosing your med fact alot, and maybe laser fact too. South looks weak, turret, plasma 3 builds and a wall. But, at first I thought the hosp on south of CC was bad, but works how if they attack there, they bomb 3 builds and get nothing. I would swap wall RC, and Mine RC.
Tied for 3rd Place – Entry #1 – penguinizi
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 6 7 7 20 Dunebug 8 7 7 22 Stubbs 7 8 8 23 |
Average Total Score: 22
chaos952: Your turret and plasma factories are waaaaaaay too easy to reach. The sleepers that you placed near the entrances by the laser and mine factories can be shot down without getting hit by them. Also, I see double housing in two places. The entrances are not in ideal places either. I'd suggest putting the double-layer of buildings down south instead of northwest, as well as moving some defense down south.
Dunebug: Well, it looks like you used the terrain to your advantage. The north is well protected, and most of the east is too. The south’s pretty weak though I really gotta admit. Not super weak. You gotta kill a turret or two. Southeast you don’t have to kill any buildings and you could probably kill that plasma from the entrance. If you do that and can bomb the factory it’s game over. I’d try to consolidate the defense to cover your more vulnerable parts. Specifically the South. Also, your wall factory is really easy to get, don’t count on that lasting long.
Stubbs: I like it, The hospital doenst seem ver useful, sinc eI would have to go up inside that little bowl, but otherwise decent. Wall factory is in a weak position but since it is far away from the CC should make your city fail, but may become annoying.
Tied for 3rd Place – Entry #5 – Orber (Major)
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 8 6 7 21 Dunebug 7 8 8 23 Stubbs 7 8 7 22 |
Average Total Score: 22
chaos952: Orbed from the south. Shoot the plasma guarding the missile factory, bomb the missile factory, shoot the mine of the CC, drive to the CC, and press O. Too many entrances also.
Dunebug: Your entrances are where all the weak points are… Ex. Bomb housing and walkie res. Back up, kill turret. Bomb explodes. Kill plasma in front of zook fact. Bomb zook factory. You could probably even kill that plasma without blowing up the buildings first.
Second: From the SW. Blow up the mine research or don’t. Depending on your skill level. Bomb the sleeper factory. Retreat. Now all the sleepers are gone, what’s guarding all the stuff around the CC on the west side? The sleepers.. Your whole west side is wide open now. The attacker can pretty much take their pick. Mix up the turrets on the west side. Replace some sleepers with greens so when your factory goes you’ll still have some D.
Stubbs: I like this one also, Weak from the SE. 1 turret, 1 plasma, 2 builds, and 1 mine, and I am in Also the fatories are setup to allow niches for dodging turret fire.
Last Place – Entry #2 – Nightwish
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Judge Buildings Defense Entrance Total chaos952 4 5 6 15 Dunebug 7 8 7 22 Stubbs 6 7 7 20 |
Average Total Score: 19
chaos952: This city looks really random to say the least. Your buildings are very spread out, and there are waaaaaaaaaay too many entrances. I see alot of double-housing, and that will cause problems. Also, your vital factories are very vulnerable from the north, by going to the right of the bomb research. Not to mention that alot of your turrets can be shot down without being able to do damage to enemies.
Dunebug: I’m not sure where Tirana is, but I think it’s in the south. Which means all attackers will come from the north. The weakest part of this city is the north. I kill 1 plasma and I can get your Walls, cougars, and plasma factory? Sign me up!
The bright side of that is killing those won’t guarantee an orb. There are still layers of defense after that… Straight east of the CC sucks as well.
Other than that the city looks pretty solid. The spread out style will confuse a lot of attackers, although I would think it’d be hard to rebuild in the correct pattern.
Fix the north. You put one building there and you’re a lot better off than you were before.
Stubbs: The classic messy design. It is hard to judge these, since the design itself looks weak, but a defender can make it last a long time.
The factories around the CC are too eesential, if you loose the Wall factory, then you would have to demo 1 to replace the walls, so you would loose all your SS (i assume thats what you would demo, others too vital). I think it would fall easily from the East. walkie factory, 1 Sleeper, shoot mines, drop bomb by Turret fact, BOOM!, 1 wall, and 1 SS, and your orbed.