Congratulations to LOGO, our newest CDC winner! He created an excellent Arequipa with good city entrances and defensive turret angles. Here is his winning design:
Here is the decoder for everyone's entries:
#1 – Alex2121
#2 – Darkluigi07
#3 – Logo
#4 – Caezar
#5 – Makaveli
Zhantrim's original thoughts on all your designs:
North is difficult to defend, but I appreciate the lack of critical factories three layers deep. Therefore, I don't consider this a major weakness. West has a good entrance, but I imagine most attackers would bomb the mine res before making their approach toward the cc.
The house to the far northeast is not accomplishing much and I suggest you move it somewhere more important.
Overall, I think this is a mediocre build.
Submission #3
By the way, I'm not clear on what the mine res is doing over there. It's not guarding anything or blocking any turret angles, so I think there might be better uses for it.
Overall, an excellent job.
You should not double your houses on the east. It is very inviting for bombers in an already attractive location.
You are basically forfeiting your mines and walls. Walls are not so much of a big deal I suppose given their location relative to the cc, but mines are not something you should so readily sacrifice. Not to mention the fact that you make it nearly impossible for your defenders to grab them because they are so far away from the rest of the action.
If I was attacking this design, I would start northeast; finish off the lone sleeper guarding the mines/walls; drop bombs on the factories; dfg the access from the south, and then work on tunneling down to the greens. Alternatively, I'd just tunnel in from the south, shooting the sleepers by the cc while bombing my way in.
In other news, I think several of your other entrances and factory positions are decent and I can tell you have the basics down.
Overall, an average design.
The plasma guarding the eastern entrance is not difficult to shoot. Once the green east of it falls, I think your central factory block is in trouble. There are no other turrets able to protect that area and an attacker can camp on a stack of bombs.
Secondly, this city's northern side will give the mayor an absolute fit. That house "guarding" access far to the northeast will be a major pain because to rebuild it you have to drive way up there away from the rest of your city. The rocks below it force defenders to drive all the way up and around to stop tunneling attackers. I would suggest altering your northern wall (green res, plasma res, center house) so that it terminates one square to the west of the rocks, then move your sleep res up one and change out the neighboring eastern house. complicated adjustment, yes, but it will allow people to drive under the rocks instead of around them. Trust me, your defenders will thank you for it.
The other entrances are quite good actually and I otherwise like what you've done with the terrain.
Overall, a slightly above average design that could be significantly improved with some minor adjustments.